Hi, my name is Bogdan, and i have to admit that what you did to your car
left me without words!!! I love it!! I'm from romania, and also i have a mk3
astra 1996 engine x18xe. I woul want go convert it into a x20xev. Maybe you can
help me with some advices. Thing is i bought a vectra with that engine, only the
biggest problem is that i think the engine is almoast dead, no oil preasure, as
i first saw. Tomorrow and after tomorrow i will change the oil pump to see how
the engine will sound after that because now it sounds like a diesel engine, and
After that i can see what to do. I'm writing to you because what you did with
tour engine is like i said in the beginig of my message outstanding, and i would
like to ask you a few advices, and help in rebuilding the x20xev i have into a
good engine to put in my astra. So what do you say are you willing and wanting
to help a coleg from ro country? Waiting for youre answere!