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  1. FrostyWolf

    93 1.4 Si - high normal temp and gear knob

    Hello fellow astraniers I recently (2 months ago) bought my 93 Astra 1.4 SI in GT trim. After it was stolen and recovered mostly unharmed, I got to trying to fix some issues with it. My normal temperature is 98-102°C, I have tried flushing the radiator and some tubes, but it only improved...
  2. L

    How to identify if the car has AC?

    Hi all, I'm looking to buy this car here: https://www.olx.pt/d/anuncio/opel-astra-1-4-bertone-descapotvel-IDHJpER.html You can see that it does not have the AC button on the dash, but I contacted the advertiser and she said that it does have. Then I asked her to test it, and she said it works...
  3. C

    98 Astra 1.4i High Torq??

    New here, Hey all :o) As the title might suggest... My brother has just bought a 98 Astra 1.4i Merit and when he got insurance for the car they needed to confirm with him that it's got a 'High Torq' or 'High T' as they called it engine. I have never heard of this engine and High Torq on a 1.4...