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  1. FrostyWolf

    93 1.4 Si - high normal temp and gear knob

    Hello fellow astraniers I recently (2 months ago) bought my 93 Astra 1.4 SI in GT trim. After it was stolen and recovered mostly unharmed, I got to trying to fix some issues with it. My normal temperature is 98-102°C, I have tried flushing the radiator and some tubes, but it only improved...
  2. danh

    Astra 1.4 SPI - the first car (56K heavy-ish)

    seeing as im bored and work has begun on the astra i thought it was time to start a diary for it. Its not going to be to great atm due to insurance and all that at 17 but never mind. 1.4 SPi M reg '94 spectral blue with silver bottom half. 78K for the grand total of under 700 notes A...