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  1. D

    Wanted Post

    Hi all i'm new here Hope this post is allowed but I have come on here in search of a Vauxhall Astra 1.7 Turbo diesel these vehicles seem to be like rocking horse manure we had one back in 2008 (L706 DJU) but unfortunately some undesirable character decided to go joy riding for a couple of days...
  2. JAKE.yo

    Tuned Isuzu 1.7td run out of idle adjustment

    Hi everyone, I have a tuned isuzu engine in my mk3 estate... have done the white ring mod, free flowing exhaust, short intake pipe with big cone filter, upped boost to 1.5bar, front mount intercooler and NA inlet manifold, as well as some increase on the max fuel screw. This has been done for...