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  1. TomVauxhall

    8v small block manifolds and other parts. NOVA

    Anybody got a 4 branch exhaust manifold to fit a small block 8v. Can get a brand new one for £120 but thought I'd ask on here first and see if anyone has one rattling round in the shed. also looking for a high lift camshaft to fit a 16sv carb engine (early astra and cavalier engine) bit of a...
  2. TomVauxhall

    Nova TomVauxhall

    Thought I should start a thread on this one. I first got the car in 2004 and had many ups and downs in it. started life as a 1.2 spin with a 4 speed box. It had a few engine changes and many head gaskets over the next few years. I did all the things that teenagers do in this car. eventually the...
  3. Alex

    Nova Turbo at the ring
