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  1. FrostyWolf

    93 1.4 Si - high normal temp and gear knob

    Hello fellow astraniers I recently (2 months ago) bought my 93 Astra 1.4 SI in GT trim. After it was stolen and recovered mostly unharmed, I got to trying to fix some issues with it. My normal temperature is 98-102°C, I have tried flushing the radiator and some tubes, but it only improved...
  2. KingSlayerBess

    Leaking Steering Pump

    Greetings, MK3 Astra Saloon 1.4 44KW 75000 Miles Last week oil pan gasket is changed because the slow leaking, its fine now no leaking from there but i recognize some leaking from to steering pump, not leaking like crazy but i cleaned 1 week ago with cleaner spray like a brake cleaner, and...
  3. R

    Fuel Injection Pump - X17DT

    Hey, I got an used Astra MK3 Van (GM Engine), and I swap the engine and wiring for the Isuzu engine (TC4EE1), however I bought the Fuel Injection Pump after it. And I have a problem, my Fuel Injection Pump has 3 wires, and my wiring from the car has only 1 to connect to the pump? The wire's...