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  1. FrostyWolf

    93 1.4 Si - high normal temp and gear knob

    Hello fellow astraniers I recently (2 months ago) bought my 93 Astra 1.4 SI in GT trim. After it was stolen and recovered mostly unharmed, I got to trying to fix some issues with it. My normal temperature is 98-102°C, I have tried flushing the radiator and some tubes, but it only improved...
  2. Astramerit

    Radiator fan trouble

    Hello helpers! I have 2 astra mk3's, one is a merit, one is an LS, my grandad has a merit and we used to have an artic in the family (i was too young to drive then!) and with all of these cars, the same problem has come up....the radiator fan only works on full power (4)! nothing on 1, 2, or...