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  1. J

    Astra mkiv G 2006 Bertone Cabriolet Canvas Roof Problem

    Hi everyone. Please try to help, when closing my roof it stopped dead about 6 inches from closed and does not work at all now, using a 4mm allen key I have now managed to wind it closed completely, any ideas what the problem is, where I might be able to find someone who knows about them, I'm in...
  2. Atlantis

    MK3 Roof Rack Removal

    hi i have an astra mk3 5 door, when i bought it the roof rack was already installed on the roof (genuine vauxhall) i have a key to the roof rack but when i insert the key it doesnt seem to turn nor left nor right. last case scenario the key that came with it may be the wrong key. i really want...
  3. DaveyB

    Sunroofless head liner

    for a 3door near telford