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  1. pmoseley


    Hey guys (I've got an Isuzu estate for those of you who dont know), which has been clunking the past 2 months or so... Basically when I went around a bend there would be a DOONG noise from the O/S/F suspension area. After jackin her up almost 15 times over the past 2 months I've changed the...
  2. P

    clunky suspension

    hi there hope someone can help me. my astra has developed a clunk when i accelerate and brake. i have replaced the strut top mount and the bottom arm. i have just rebuilt the car and its quite annoying. thanks to anyone who can help.

    Front suspension top mounts

    Evenin all - I need to change the front suspension strut top mount on my mk3 GSI (1997 phase 2) and was wonderin if it was possible to do this without undoing the bottom of of strut from the hub / steering etc as looks a right pain in the rs. I have got spring compressors etc to use so wanted...
  4. Rad666

    front dampers

    ive got around £250 to spend on front dampers was originally planning on getting bilstein b8's since ive heard good things about them and they suit my eibach sportline springs any other sugestions before give lmf my £££
  5. Astramerit

    Suspension strut mounts (front)

    Hey all... As you can tell by the title, this is about the strut mounts, i bought a new astra, and the MOT is due next monday, and i need to replace both the mount tops because the old ones have perished abit. I bought both already, so i had to go ahead and replace them myself.... so, i did...