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vboa rally

  1. Alex

    VBOA Billing 2009

    What? The major event of the year: the annual VBOA National Rally will take place on Saturday July 11th and Sunday July 12th 2009. Members of the 31 UK owner's clubs affiliated to the VBOA will be displaying over 2000 Vauxhalls, Bedfords and Opels. Sunday morning will see arena displays by...
  2. Alex

    VBOA National Rally 2009 - Interest?

    Hi guys and gals, As it's not going to be long before i have to order passes for the event from the VBOA so we need to know some numbers of who is going to be coming. Please vote on the poll, I have put options for the whole weekend just the sat just sunday, etc.. this is just for us to be...
  3. Alex

    Neil's Billing Pics

  4. Alex

    Alex's Billing Pics

    Here's my pics from Billing only took them on the Sunday as had to make my phone battery last :lol:
  5. Alex

    VBOA National Rally, Billing 2008

    What? The major event of the year: the annual VBOA National Rally, once again sponsored by Classic & Collectable Club Insurance Ltd., will take place on July 12th and 13th 2008. Members of the 33 owner's clubs affiliated to the VBOA will be displaying over 2000 Vauxhalls, Bedfords and Opels...