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Andy's Saab Turbo Sport


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Apr 10, 2008
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I have finally got myself a project car :) For those that didn't see my other thread, I was away in Derby, and one day someone left a note on my car saying they have an Astra for sale if I'm interested, went to see it and it was in very good condition, and had been sat in a garage unused for 3 years. Fast-forward a few weeks to today, I handed over £180 for her and trailered her back.

Here's how I first saw it, a bit dirty and covered in rubbish but otherwise very tidy :)

First priority was a damn good wash

Then I started to hoover it out, but everything was so dirty I decided to strip some stuff out!

The state of the carpet!

All clean again :)

And back together, original floor mats too :thumb:

So for £180 I am very pleased, it came with all the old MOTs, full service history, it's been well looked after by the looks of it.

So my plans are, pretty much strip, clean and paint everything mechanical, powerbox the engine with a good exhaust and hopefully some cams. Then interior will be OEM+, the way I like it :)
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that look very clean mate nice find and only in derby, and under the bonnet
VERY tidy mate your of to a great start with this fella
Great car for a great price mate good luck with it :)

Awaits Kev's comment :lol:
I have some of those mats :)

Still cant decide if i like/hate the wheels? lol
Imm not sure on the wheels either lol, they're not staying, but there's not a mark on them either. I have 4 alloys and 2 steelies lol. If it's nice on wednesday I'll start with the polishing :)
Looking good chuck. How many miles?
good plans there :D
Jellous much? That's really good and clean for the money :nod:
A 5 hour machine polishing session would be a good start lol.

Was that you volunteering? :lol: I'll buy a machine polisher at some point I think, but for now it's going to be some elbow grease!

First purchase for the car; new leather gearstick and handbrake gaitors, the old ones are wrecked and spoils it! I think I'll start with the interior, get it all stripped out and do some wiring for loads of new interior lights, cruise control and trip computer, electric sunroof etc etc :)
got a pineapple gsi back bumper spare if your interested

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