my astra just been written off, been side swiped by a vectra rear quater door wing and alloy bottom arm tracking missing wing mirror that evaprated ect all fooked don't know how bad it is still drives pulls heaveyly to the right, just spend since 9:30 untill now in hospital with the missues getting checked out were both okay just neck and shock i was shakeing for about as hour after cheers for the cuppa woody, soo its done its job in protecting us poor thing, will get some photos up later, well pi$$ed this is my 1st accident in 5 years driving, the vectra went to over take pulled in with out checking see iff he passed me, there is tyer markes on the drivers door off my gsi,
the car will be written off, ill buy it back and strip it for parts,
the car will be written off, ill buy it back and strip it for parts,
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