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Clever vauxhall

Oct 8, 2007
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Bracknell, Berkshire
My car really is like a woman, keeps havings fits for no reason and changing it's mind on what it wants to do all the time.

For the last week it's been fine, no problems other than the constant EML but we know that's the vechicle speed signal. Tonight I drive to the garage take a few bits off the old car, pack up and start the car to go and it starts fine then just cuts out and refuses to start.

Start thinking here we go again so unplug the usual suspects icv maf etc but still not starting. Then I remember releasing fuel from the nipple on the rail, press it in and it squirts out like I've just shanken a can of coke and opened it, released it pressed It again and still the same. Know I'm not sure but this doesent seem right, so I let a but more pressure out and try again but still no luck. So I decided to let it all out, got a cloth and released all the pressure until it stopped hissing.

Tried starting again but still nothing and battery getting flat. So take the icv off again and it started, plugged it back in and it started but was idleing at 500rmp but stayed running.

Drove home and it seemed fine, drove ok with no problem but still the idle is at 500rpm. Turned it off and started it again no trouble but still At 500rmp. Look down and notice the EML is out! WTF! Lol lol turned the ignition to pos 1 and the eml comes on so bulb not blown. Lol anyone got any ideas? Think I'm gonna turn the idle up with the screw so it's about 8/900 rpm.
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Typical women ive got too and there both a pain in the arse mate 1 behaves the other dont like being thrashed(ME MOTOR TUT) anyway have you unplugged the injectors while the car is running the idle should be in between 750/950 mate plus the return pipe stops pressureing the system up not alot but slightly plus have you unplugged the air flow meter with the engine on?
Have unplugged the Maf but revs didn't change, didn't liked being reved till unplugged it back in, injectors I've not touched. Just seems weird that the rail had loads of pressure and now the eml is off lol
You might or still have a blockege mate ow av you got the dizzy cap type? if so check it aint cracked or tracking internally plus does it miss when you rev it up?
ive got the c18xe mate so no dizzy cap. the car runs fine when moving, just when i stop the idle goes to 500rpm, i think im gonna manually raise the revs a little, run it a few mines then change the plugs and the leads... dont think the leads have ever been replaced and are very soft.
what about the little screw thats infront of the accel cable? if you wind that out it will raise the revs a little..

plus it doesnt seem to like idleing at 500rpm
Hmm dunno what the official purpose of that screw is, but it's not an idle adjustment screw :lol:

It's probably the throttle stop or something, so you might just be keeping the throttle open a little.
deffo an ecu problem you would have the fault light on if it where the idle valve have you checked the vacuum pipes
Whats the paperclip test show? & are you running a cone filter?
you burning any oil mate? i know they burn abit but a good amount will mess things up abit gets all over the idle valve then plays havoc with everthing else plus oil burning puts the spark out quicker causing kangerooin and hessation on acceleration
yeah it is burning a bit off, will check the vacume pipes.

did the paper clip test and it came up as ICV bad earth of something like that, can anyone tell me which earth point on the car this is connected to??
I would have thought that it earths though the engine just by being bolted to it.

If not, look at it's plug for a brown wire and check it for connectivity between the battery -ve terminal.

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