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clutch drag HELP !!!!

Dec 22, 2008
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when i start my car in 1st gear with the clutch pedal down the car tries to pull. what could be causing this. there is new oil in the gearbox and the pedal has been adjusted. what else could be causing this and also i have trouble to get it in to every gear and it crunches going in to reverse.
please help
The clutch has not been adjusted properly. How far is the clutch pedal above the brake pedal?

normally it should be about an inch higher than the brake pedal. To adjust it, open the bonnet and look at the gearbox, there you see the clutch cable going to the clutch lever. You can push the lever alittle towards the back of the engine bay and you will then see a small black plastic edjuster thingy, turn this so that the adjuster moves towards the back of the engine bay and closer to the lever. However it might be a case of trial and error. Preferably do this when the engine is warm. If you did it from cold it would be fine until your engine is warm, then it would do it again, since the clutch and other parts have warmed up etc.
the pedal is about an inch above the brake pedal. i have tried adjusting it either way and makes no diffrence
when was the cluch and/or presser plate last changed???
aint got a clue as the car was given to me a few days ago. i no the last owner was a old person with a dog
That probably explains it. The old person rode the clutch, so there probably isnt a clutch left in it
lol repllacement for the win! I need to do mine as the release bearing is fubered and making the car judder.

Definately no clutch left by the sounds of it.

whats the cheapest clutch about? and were . preferb on the internet . at the moment found 1 for £45
Seeing as you have 2 threads with clutch related problems (Clutch drag + Crunching gears) I would also suggest checking the Clutch cable for stretch/setting and if thats no good, you need a new clutch :)
i have removed the clutch and its not worn right down to the rivets but it has gone smooth . could this be the problem?
quick update. replaced the clutch and clutch plate and put new oil in gearbox. the problem has now been fixed :)

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