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Driving in the USA

Jun 6, 2009
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Oswestry, Shropshire
Well its about 7 days now till I jet off to the USA, to visit the girlfriend, gonna be a cheap holiday (£400 for flights and then spends on top) I cant wait, it seems like I'm counting the days down as well.

Chances are though me and her might be doing like a mini road trip or something, perhaps even drive to Chicago, dunno yet, see how it goes. Though chances are I'll be taking lots of pics

I've checked allready, but I am pretty sure that I'm allowed to drive in the US, just gotta check with the DMV when I'm there. Then make sure that the insurance covers it. Got a friend in Cali to check with them and as far as he said, they cover the car not just the driver.... apparantly.

Couple of photo's from last year, one of the times I wasnt driving and was in charge of the camera, lol






And the last one, Me, in the only place I know best and where I'm as happy as a pig in much

Under a bonnet
ive been to the us mate and drove around on my licence over there so shouldnt be a problem 4 you bud have a good trip
If your hiring a car its insured by the lenders isnt it? When my dad went he went on his licence and just rented a car iirc.
yes, if I was to hire a car I would, however wont be. I'll be driving the Mitsubishi Eclipse that there is a picture of me under the bonnet of

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