just watched it drive away
that is all
that is all
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its strange but i once had a corsa gsi white one and i sold it and regreted it since then i sold the black v6 astra gsi and regreted that now im trying to sell my red gsi but im haveing second foughts now every car i sell i try not sell it localy unless its a run about ! its weired how you get attatched to a lump off metal aint it,
i live in leeds my self let me know what it looks like ill keep a look out for it wen im out and about fella
reason for selling was? Im so nosey!
ill keep my eye out for it and if i see it ill give it a flash or a wave
i seen this on the bay and was tempted to buy it myself
just had a bit if crap news
got a letter in the post from yorkshire police, saying i have to remove my (old) astra from a scrappy somewhere in pontefract, so rang the guy who bought it to find out whats goin on, turns out it was nicked on monday and then crashed and written off
the log book hasnt filtered through yet as i only posted it monday so now gotta write to the police to say i did sell it to him cos they arrested him cos they though he had nicked it
Now i know its not mine anymore, so its no loss, but i'm really gutted that its dead, i put so much time and effort into that car, and now its written off =( wish i didnt know tbh, ignorance is bliss as they say.
wish i'd kept it now...