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Leaking / Condensation problems...

Jun 23, 2008
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Cardigan - West Wales/ Cardiff - South Wales
Hi guys

Basically, i think i have got a leak in my sunroof...

I think the rubber around the window has perished, as causing water to leak in, and there is a ridiculous amount of condensation on the windscreen, so bad, that the other night, driving down the m4, i had to turn around because it was raining and dark, and i couldnt see a thing! now, the leak isnt that bad that water pours into the car, it's just that it wont demist properly, and the condensation on the winscreen turns to water and starts dripping, and just visibility is poor. it's really difficult to explain but if anyone has had this problem and fixed it, or has any ideas about what i could do to fix it, i would be very appreciative! i dont want to permanantly seal it either! hehe i was going to use an all purpose sealant, but put vaseline on the window, so that it doesnt stick! what do u reckon guys?

cheers in advance
You reckon? any ideas where you could get the rubber seal from? because to be honest thats what i'd rather do, it would look better etc, and when it comes to selling it, it would look better :). oh, and btw, how much do you reckon that rubber costs? if anyone knows

Im not sure, i think you just need to take the car to a place that does it, i know a company near me that does tinting windows also does it. might be a good idea to have a look in your local yelow pages and make a few calls to enquire.
hmm, well looking at it, i dont think it would be too difficult to do if i had the rubber stuff, it might just glue on with a groove in the middle for a lip to go in. not sure tho. maybe the sealant will offer a good temporary fix tho. i never use my sunroof anyway really, just can't drive it when it was like it was the other night!

my thinking was it might be a common problem that someone might have fixed sometime b4!

cheers though mate.
i could do that to see how it is to get on and off. but i think the ones in the scrappy will be worse condition than mine! but yeah no harm in looking, i know the people that work there too so i dont have to pay lol got a free bonnet the other day, well chuffed! have to wait til the weather gets better to paint it tho! green car with a purple bonnet? mmm!

Thanks king lee mate, will head up the scrappy tomorrow to have a look :)
erm, what about the sunroof drainage holes? ive seen this mentiond before and i think it will leak if these are blocked, but ive no idea where they are or anything, so not very helpfull im afraid
dodgy pollen filter can make the windows steam up...

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