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Oct 20, 2005
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Got this for stacey for christmas on saturday (yes its a bit early but it wouldnt stay wrapped :doh: )


his names Alfie and hes a 6 week old siberian husky :nod:




peek a boo





excuse the poo mat :lol:
how many dogs do you have now, and if you dont mind me asking, how much are these dogs? they are very nice, id like one
welcome to husky world rick. Welcome to no more socks or settees or remote controls but apart from that they are cool.

they grow so fast 7 months now blade is
already owns the house
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we've got 3 now but they all live separately, alfie is here at staceys own house, barnie lives at mine and levi lives at staceys mums.

Yeah hes nice, we got him "reasonably" cheap at £250 but theyre usually £400-500
welcome to husky world rick. Welcome to no more socks or settees or remote controls but apart from that they are cool.

yup hes taken quite a shine to my socks and trainers already:lol:
Welcome Alfie xxx Brilliant name that!!!!! My Yorkshire Terrier has the same name
welcome to husky world rick. Welcome to no more socks or settees or remote controls but apart from that they are cool.

they grow so fast 7 months now blade is
already owns the house

are those siberian husky's micky?

staceys shocked at the size of them after 7 months :lol: fun times ahead
hes currently attacking the bottom of my jeans and just took a bite at staceys finger:lol:
Coool, my mates got a massssiiivveeee huskey, looks incredibly scary if you dont know the dog!

Going to pick my staffy up tomorow :)
:lol::rofl::pound: I can just imagine Rick trying to wrap him up and keep him under a tree for a few weeks.

Looks like a a baby polar bear

he did try it but nah didnt work too well :lol: and thats what everyone says about him. he's gorgeous though ain't he?
i reckon there would be more fowl language though :lol: so happy with my pressie :)
i thought you both split up? when i saw a thread about staceys puppy's i was disappointed to see the husky :(

but he is bloody cute :)
i thought you both split up? when i saw a thread about staceys puppy's i was disappointed to see the husky :(

but he is bloody cute :)

no we never split up just had a wee hiccup but all good now. but my puppy is gorgeous :)
Alfie been in a daft mood today, going daft everytime i get a txt :lol: and barking.... oh no he's found his voice :doh:

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