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OP-COM software required

Jul 3, 2005
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Colchester, Essex
Hi all.

Recently got myself OP-COM setup. Installed the files on my laptop and on the Adobe activation guide it says I need to run "activate password.exe" however this isn't on the files i installed.
Try to run it and the computer doesn't detect the unit, it has 3 led's on it and only the red one comes on.
Anyone got any ideas of anything i'm doing wrong or where to get the correct software for it?

Cheers Chris.
Cheers for that Mark, i'll check and see what one i need to use.
Andy which one did you go for? There seems to be about 20 versions for mine lol.
Downloaded this one - op-com 090714 v1.39 EN full
no activation need

And still the same problem, try and activate it and comes up with "Error: Interface not found!!!
Please connect the interface to the usb port."

Do that and just the red light appears on OP-COM and it still says its not connected.
That's the version I'm using without any problems, I would say there could be something wrong with your interface?
Well just installed it on my desktop and had excatly the same problem.
Guess i've bought myself an expensive door stop. :rolleyes:
Really? I honestly don't have a clue. Being very tired probably doesn't help lol.
Bugger :(
Well i'll remember to bring it along with my crap slow laptop to the spares day, so if anyone with updated software is going (or their own OP-COM device so i can test mine) can see if it'll work.
well I'm probably not going to the spares day at this point in time but if you wanted to post me your device I will try it with my known working software?
hmmm, there's an idea.
Mate managed to get it work last night so happy days. Should have it with me tomorrow as well, though may need to run the laptop off our power inverter as i think the battery is giving up the ghost.

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