Right have been contacted by a member of Admin from cavaliercrazy.co.uk. They are trying to organise a Vaux Only event in September at a Racing Track called Ty Croes at the Anglesey Race Circuit. Alot of you probably have never heard of it but if you have watched Fifth Gear you will know they use this track quite often with Tiff Needel and its other Presenters. Unlike PVS it is going to be a Track weekend with nothing other than Vauxhalls.
Approx cost is hoped to be around £80 for a whole days track session (which as anyone who's done a full track day will tel you is very cheap).
Heres the link for you to look at
Not only that we will have the opportunity to camp over at the Venue for the weekends action
Total Vauxhall are also interested in promoting the event as long as there is sufficient interest. So what i'm looking for here is people who would be interested to stick their names down.
1. Alex
Approx cost is hoped to be around £80 for a whole days track session (which as anyone who's done a full track day will tel you is very cheap).
Heres the link for you to look at
Not only that we will have the opportunity to camp over at the Venue for the weekends action
Total Vauxhall are also interested in promoting the event as long as there is sufficient interest. So what i'm looking for here is people who would be interested to stick their names down.
1. Alex