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Radar/Speed Gun Detectors

Aug 15, 2005
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Hemel Hempstead, Herts
Hi All,

I am considering getting a speed gun/radar detector but don't know which one to get - i know the Road Angel is the best but it is also £300 quid! Am looking for one that is around £100 and was thinking of a snooper type?
Any ideas?? Or experinces?? Or links to cheapies!!


Rob has got one, sure he'll reply with what he has.

speed detector

just remember to get one that can have the laser detector removed next year as they are changing th elaw on them at the start of the year and if you have one with the laser detector they can take it off you and fine you aswell :mad:
There are 2 main types - Radar Detectors, and GPS ones.

Radar detectors very simply detect (don't ask me how ... science, or something clever) cameras ahead.
+ Cheap
- Short warning range
- Only detect Gatso's, and a few others

GPS ones know where you are, as well as the location of cameras, and so can tell you well in advance of them coming.
+ Good warning distance
+ Cover all gatso's, truvelos, specs, mobile polie cameras, black-spots, etc etc - the lot.
+ Some have additional features, such as your speed and a compass, and some can be attached to computer to take advantage of the GPS.
- More expensive than radar detectors

Me, I bought the Snooper S2 - cheapest GPS one @ £130, due to no screen, just flashing LED's. Very effective and easy to use and understand.
Very useful when I'm driving where I don't know the local area, so can be warned in advanced of traffic cameras.
eg: On the way to Paulo's, I passed a lot of SPEC's and Truvelo's I probably would have been caught at!
Oh right so the laser detectors will be illegal nbext year but the GPS ones won't?
So the Road Angel 2 would be okay but a laser snooper or something like that will be illegal? Any ideas what the fine might be for having one???
speed trap

basic extract from the proposed law

We understand that if the Bill is passed as primary legislation (as it probably would be) the possible punishment for contravention (i.e. for carrying an outlawed product in-vehicle) would be a fine of £1000 and a driving licence endorsement of six penalty points. :mad:
its so the police can still make money out of speeding fines. if you can detect them then they loose money
The best way to beat the camera's is by using 2 units. One is the Inforad which retails at £79.99, the other is a Snooper Laser Diffuser which is about £300.
The Inforad will pick up all Fixed camera's and the Laser Diffuser will bounce the laser signals back.
The diffuser is illegal to use, but then again it's illegal to speed.
Total cost is going is to be about the same as a Road Angel, but loads more effective.

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