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Rusted rear sill ends - dangerous?

May 14, 2008
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'92 5-dr H/B. Both sides in rear wheel arches are fully rusted away on the outer side, but covered in filler. Is this a structural problem that's potentially lethal? Will welding a plate over them be enough? Sills seem OK along length. Rest of car seems OK.
How much to get new sills, get 'em welded on and painted?
Dependin on how bad rust actually is. Sills aren't especialy pricey but the weldin is the part where it may become expensive dependin on where you go. Always shop around for a quote same wen it comes to paint.
my old astra had the same problem and it failed on the mot.
Thanks. Yeah, the sill ends facing into the rear arches are all gone. But not the inner sides of the length of the sills or the sills anywhere else.
It passed the MoT as it was repaired with filler and mesh but I'm now waking up to the fact it could be structurally dangerous!
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my sill has gone in the same place im gonna weld mine up myself along with a full new arch so i know it will be solid,

you be best off nocking the filler out and getting it welded, filler and mesh is only good for holes sizes of 10p pieces
Its not structurel mate as the sills and arches can be replaced as for mots its a fail cause the danger of it hurting some1 or falling off an causing accidents(used to do mots)
as above... dont worry too much but i'd get a repair panel fitted when poss

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