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Thinking off a new car !

Jan 9, 2008
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thinking about selling the GSi for a smaller car, been thinking off the following but i need some advice on them from people who have owned them ect,


Punto GT Turbo

Corsa GSi (prone to rot behind kit & smokie oil seals)

Corsa Sport

R5GTT (headgasket prone & rot)

Saxo VTR - VTS gearbox issues

BMW 318is coupe

Escort or fiesta RS turbo

106 GTi

basicaly im after a cheaper car to insure and run but still nippy and looks nice im drawn to the clio williams as there kind off rare these days and from what i rember off a mates there nippy even the RSi's were nippy just back arches rot off, just looking for cheap and cheer full motering
in my opinion id go or the fiesta for a light fast hot hatch if not deffo a series 1 escort rst, but if your lookin for some fun go for the 318 rwd ftw, dont get a saxo cus you see one every where you go,the corsa the clio an the 106 are preety fast an light hot hatch's aswell but as you said the corsa is prone to rot :thumb:
Escort rs turbo, get a decent 1 to start with, keep it clean and your guaranteed your money back when you sell it
ive been looking at a escort RST as there hold there money well but CVH engines have an annoying tap and ive never owned a turbo before soo im looking for something with standerd booste and that hasent been played with, trying to get a lad to swop a fiesta rst for my gsi...


civic old shape buble ones don't know which one had the vtec in tho

or a CRX not the del sol ones

hurd there ment to be fun
cheaper to insure? and you have posted all them in the list :o

NON of them are cheap to insure TBH and nearly all are not cheap to run.
was going to say what kev has said, I cant imagine any of them being much cheaper to run and insure!
i had a 106 gti was quick but had nothing but problems with it also had a civic 1.6 vtec was quick but had nothing but problems with it stick to a vauxhall i say
cough up 8/9 K and have a fiesta like my dad's :)
The one that comes to mind is Nova 1.5 TD. I had 1 it was like ****e of a stick and great fun to drive. What ever you diceided I think sticking with a vauxhall is a good idea.

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