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Turbo wheels to MV6 please

Jan 4, 2006
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Can somebody swap the wheels over from an MV6 onto the estate.

Also darken the estate so its jet black :hug::hug:

Apologies for crap pic of mv6

Just a thought for the estate as its going battleship grey in the next week (i hate it flame red)


no because i want them:rofl:, been after a set of these for ages but cant afford to go five stud :(
with bigger rims and blacked out windows that will look sick as ****
that looks awesome
looks like the spoiler i have for mine :)

ordered some paint from vauxhall today to paint it(its only taken me since billing last year), 11.40 for a 500ml can

AND found out my car is not any of the champagne colours, its called titanium
Does look really good!! I was just wondering what they would look like. Cars goin that colour in the next week :)

Thanks :)
they will look nice but sit right out in the archs i think
Any chance of the roofbars in chrome....audi style??????

no sorry, i just cant seem to get the hang of doing chrome! :Cry: ive tried a few times. if you have a pic of chrome roof bars then i can put them on easily!

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