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  1. onlygreg


    So I've got my car back from the bodyshop with all the damage to the front repaired. Now my EML comes on about 10 times in a 5 mile drive to town for about 30secs a time. Don't think it's to do with the crash as it did it before just not so much. For what reasons would the EML come on...
  2. onlygreg

    Wahay! Progress maybe...

    Right. So I have another rather specific symptom to add to my engine troubles. Basically I have a problem with a misfire, when the car is under load. Now, I don't get any EML or anything.i At first I thought it was something to do with the cold/slash wet, but the reason I thought that is...
  3. onlygreg

    Replacing the wiring loom

    All the electrics in my car like to play up... a lot. The previous owner tried to replace the radio in my car and had an earthing problem by the looks of things. The live wire to the radio has melted and disappeared, also melting wires around it. At the two main connectors down in the...
  4. Astramerit

    Radiator fan trouble

    Hello helpers! I have 2 astra mk3's, one is a merit, one is an LS, my grandad has a merit and we used to have an artic in the family (i was too young to drive then!) and with all of these cars, the same problem has come up....the radiator fan only works on full power (4)! nothing on 1, 2, or...